Mavic Pro - Summer Scenes over Templeton Farm
Equipment Used: DJI Mavic Pro, Apple iPad, Lightroom & Photoshop CC
During the summer months, I was able to capture two different scenes over at the Templeton farm’s barn and corn crib with the Mavic Pro. During the day, I was able to get images of cumulus clouds over the scene while right at dusk, got a color filled sunset.
DJI’s Go4 app was used to fly the drone around the farm with a height ranging from 52 to 135 feet. I used AEB to get different exposed images of the same scene since I needed to expose for the sunset while also getting enough exposure on the barn and crib. I used autofocus on the drone to lock in the focus and then switched to manual so it wouldn’t change while I was taking the images.
In Lightroom, I used a combination of presets, graduated filters and radial filters to adjust the image. The preset used was an autumn color boost hdr that increases red, orange and yellow saturations which worked well on the colors in the sunset. On the cumulus cloud images, I used a preset I created a few years ago that I named train. The filters were used over the barn and crib to fine tune the exposure on them along with using them on the sky as well. I also created a virtual copy of the images so I could adjust the sky on one image while adjust the corn field and buildings on the other image.
In Photoshop, I merged the images together to create the final photograph by opening them as layers directly from LR. I then used layer masks and the brush tool to brush out certain highlights or shadows along the skyline or buildings. The healing and clone brush tools were used to get rid of unwanted objects or to add in corn rows were they were missing.