Mavic Pro - Spring Snows 2019
Equipment Used: DJI Mavic Pro, Apple iPad, Lightroom & Photoshop CC
While out in the snow goose spread this spring, the Mavic Pro was flown a couple times to get the aerial view of the spread and to capture a sunset. Being able to get that perspective that a flock of snows would from the sky, will improve how I set up the decoys along with how to hide the layout blinds.
The Mavic Pro was set in manual mode and I adjusted the shutter speed via the controller to expose the scene correctly. To capture the sunset, I increased the shutter speed to help underexpose the sky while other shots I decreased the shutter speed. Basically bracketing my exposures but in a manual way.
In Lightroom, I started with using presets that brought out the colors in the sunset or the decoys on the ground. I than fine tuned those presets using the sliders in LR or by adding gradient filters.
In Photoshop, I cloned out unwanted items using the clone or healing brush tools and straightened or cropped the image if need be. With the sunset images, I combined the image of the sky/sun with the image of the ground/decoy spread together using layer masks.