Mavic Pro - Fall Colors from Lake Panorama

Equipment Used: DJI Mavic Pro, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Lightroom & Photoshop CC

 This fall the color of the leaves arrived late in October and didn’t last too long with some high winds but I was fortunate to fly the Mavic Pro on a couple different days. I flew over Lake Panorama National GC, Boulder Beach and Panorama West. 

Since the iPad was in the combine, I used my cell phone to control the drone and used AEB to get 3 different exposures of each image. At the max, I was at 358 ft high taking this series of images. To get the panoramic images, I rotated the drone to take images at different angles and also changed the orientation to portrait.  

Once the files were in Lightroom, I set the preset to either golf course1 or autumn color boost hdr to begin editing them. To fine tune the image, I used graduated or radial filters to decrease or increase the exposure in certain regions.   The panoramic images involved merging from up to 6 images into one using the panoramic feature in LR. Panoramic images were than straightened and cropped in LR as well.

Using Photoshop, I used the healing and clone brush tools to get rid of unwanted objects like cart signs and bunker rakes.  Since the majority of the adjustments were made in LR, I didn’t use Photoshop very much to edit these images.

Mike Kleinwolterink